Friday 17 August 2007


the results were better than we expected considering Holly wasn't well during the exams. The worst mark came from the exam she couldn't do anything for the last 20 minutes because of a coughing fit. But they might just not be good enough to be offered an interview or place at one or more of the Universities. Well not to study medicine anyway. It now depends on her predicted marks.

However an A for maths and Politics were great. Politics in particular because she really struggled with the revision. Then a B for Chemistry, so with a lot of hard work over the next year she could easily bring that up to an A. And a C for Biology, just 6 marks off a B but this will be much harder to make up.

But I am really proud of her, regardless of the marks. I just hope this is a wake-up call for the next year; that studying and revision must come first so that she has the best possible chance of becoming a Doctor.

Well, after a 14 hour day I finally got home, spent the next hour on the Internet and phone to my sister looking for flights to Boston and now we have them booked. For November! A long weekend which will be great fun because I think that the last time I went away with my sister on her own was about 24 years ago when we backpacked around Europe! I just hope we don't fight anywhere near as much as we did during that month lol.

Then I spent the next 3 1/2 hours trying to sort out invoices from the last year and a half as it had to be done by Friday. Somewhat frustrating as from my end they were accurate. But that is another story and hopefully the mess is now sorted.

So to bed at 3.30am....I must be mad. At least I don't have to work tomorrow...or today as it is now!!

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